Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sunny (yet freezing) blue sky day, with a beautiful moon!

The moon was so pretty, I had to take a couple pictures while it lasted. 

The sun trying to make it's way
Our big trees and the big blue sky!

 Here am I, standing outside, looking like a dork while I stand in front of the camera for 10 seconds until it takes the picture. I had a lot of more pictures (2-3....(;) but this one actually turned out pretty decent.

 I also tried to squeeze in some pictures of my new puppy (almost 4 months old), Ramona, but we call her Mona because she moans ALL THE TIME!!! She is a Boxer mix and chewing up everything but quite the model. (well, we have had her at Dad's house for like, 2 1/2 months but I haven't got the chance to post any pictures)

(: Have a good rest of your night. (:

Monday, February 18, 2013


Dear Paris,
Happy 19th Birthday tomorrow, my love!!!! (; You are one dynamite gal! (I don't know if you have ever seen Wreck It Ralph, if not, hop to it!!) You are one of the best cousins anyone could EVER have!!!! You blow me away with how kind hearted, spontaneous, laid back, and drop dead GORGEOUS you are!!! (: Here are a couple of quotes I thought you might enjoy to read:

"God made us cousins because he knows our moms couldn't handle us as sisters."

"Cousin's are those childhood playmates who grow up to be our forever friends."

"God made you my cousin, love made you my friend, but time and experiance made you my sister I never had!"

 And I absolutely LOVED this picture! (:
I remember you coming to Mom's house in 2010, do you know how excited I was?? You are my one and only role model! Here are some pictures that i ABSOLUTELY loved!! (:  

I love you so much, Paris, it's un-explainable. (: I hope you have the best birthday EVER!!!!! xoxo chloe