Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This is my very first, awesomly, awesome, amazing blog!!!!!!!!!!

Today i got home from SUNNY Oregon!!! Can't you believe it?!?!?! It actually wasn't raining for once! I sat on the beach like, what, EVERY SECOND I WAS THERE!!!! ;)  And, of course, i took off my shoes every second... teehee! Right  when i walked into our amazing hotel, there was this mint colored refirgerator that looked like it has been there forever! but, i thought it was super darling and begged my mom to take it home, but it was sadly a no. Boo. as all of us went to the beach every day, there was sand EVERWHERE on our bodies!So, to no suprise at all, there was like buckets of sand in our shower!  And right when Wyatt woke up, as the teenager he is, he wreaked of boy smells and not taking a shower for 3 whole days, so my wonderful mother told him to take a shower, IMMEDIATELY!!! So, he did, well, he looked in the shower and almost screamed his head off and refused to take a shower with all of the sand in the shower. So my step-dad had to clean all of the sand out for Wyatt to take a 1 minute shower...haha. i absoloutely loved this trip! I hope you guys had a AMAZING spring break!


  1. Ohh I am so happy that you got a blog!!!!!!!!!! :) xoxoxo best cousin gracie!!

  2. hahaha sounds like an awesome trip!! glad you got a blog :) xoxoxo

  3. What a great trip you had! And what is it with teenage boys not wanting to take showers?? Tell Wy that I make Spenc take a shower EVERY DAY!! So he got really lucky going 3 days without one!!! I love your blog, it is soooo cute! I'm excited to read about all of your adventures and thoughts. Love you so much!! xoxoxoxo Aunt Amy
